Home » Path to a New Kidney


Path to a New Kidney:
Rebuilding Myself like Frankenstein

As many of you know, I am in stage 4 kidney failure. I’m a very sexy stage 4 though. I have polycystic kidney disease which runs in my family. My grandmother, father, and brother all died from the same thing. I’m going for a transplant because otherwise there will not be nearly enough zombie stories in the world. Oh, the horror …

I’m in the midst of a long string of meetings, appointments, shots, and tests to get on the transplant list. Many friends and strangers have stepped forward to be tested as live donors as I work my way through the process. I am grateful.

Coming up, I have a lot of scans. I have to take stress tests to be sure my heart and lungs are strong. I get tired walking from my desk to the front door, so this should be fun. To be fair, that makes me about average health for a full-time horror writer, so I should be good.

I’ve been riding a bike even though I’m tired all the time. As best I can, I’m trying to get in the best health I can be all things considered. Like I said, I’m working to be a sexy stage 4.

I’ll keep you posted …